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How to Find the Right Developer for Startups

Debora John
Written By
Debora John
March 28, 2019
10 minutes read

Honestly, finding developers for startups isn’t the easiest of the task to perform. Given the important role a developer has to play to give direction and kick-start the business, one needs to be absolutely meticulous in his approach to hire developers for startups.

Frankly, there are various considerations on part of both, developers and startups that needed to be taken into account when it comes to choosing the right developers for startups. Now, just look at some of the considering factors for startups looking to hire developers and vice versa.

Considerations for startups to choose developers:

  • Technical expertise – A strong technical expertise is required to ensure the smooth working of all technical aspects
  • Communication Skills – Development is a long and complex process which need constant communication flow
  • Teamwork ability – Generally, developers’ work in a team with professionals from other trade and teamwork remains the key to success in such environments
  • Execution Capability – Strategizing or conceptualizing the workflow is only a part of the process and the real success lies with smart and efficient execution capabilities

Consideration for Developers when choosing to work with a company:

  • Promising Company – Every developer (in fact ever professional) likes to be associated with companies that offer promising career growth
  • Innovative Product/Services – With today’s tech-driven industry, people are increasingly looking for innovative/futuristic companies to be part of the future
  • Loyal Customers – Loyal customers serve as the seal of success and growth for companies
  • Stable Investors – When things take a nose-dip or when looking to expand, every company need reliable and stable investors for long term sustainability and success.

Where to find developers for startups?

Finding the right developer

Now the most prevailing problem faced by startups is the restricted Cashflow and budget (check out how much a mobile app cost here). That means, most of the time startups are actually looking for ways to cut out their expenses by one mean or other, which bring us to the fact that hiring full-time developers for a website or mobile applications might not be the best-suited model for startups. Alternatively, the best approach for startups and small companies could be to hire part-time or freelance developers, who can do the job for them without actually breaking the bank.

The only anxiety that remains in working with part-time or freelance developers is the lack of trust. Obviously, trusting someone you don’t know and who won’t even be sitting next to you is difficult. You would certainly don’t want to be associated with a developer who either isn’t compatible with your company culture or is too naive to complete the task within the stipulated timeframe.

So, what the best way to hire developers for startups?

Well, we have assorted a quick list of highly recommended considerations that will certainly help you choose the right developers for startup needs, so check it out:

  • Ask for recommendations

This is an all-time favourite and one of the most reliable approaches to find the right professional for the job. While you may be checking out the portfolio and expertise of developers; it’s always nice to ask friends, peers or colleagues about their recommendations and see if they have any prior experience working with one. Going this way will help you know much about the expertise, capabilities and work conduct of the developers and you will know what you can expect from the person.

  • Check out the portfolio

While not as effective as the first tip, checking out the past projects and detailed portfolio can certainly help you to have an initial opinion about the developer and his specialities. To start off, you can check out all the projects and links provided on the website portfolio (but don’t stop there). Once, you decide to meet the person, ask him about the project details and that if he has any more projects to his credit which we want you to see. Many times website developers don’t display their complete portfolios over the website and have them separated from the flashlight.

  • Check out the communication streams

Now, as we said above, web development or mobile app development is a complex and multi-faceted work which required consistent and transparent communication between developers and business owners. Thereby, while you are finalizing the developer for your startup, make sure you ask for the communication channels and avoid going for overseas developers where time zone or language may act as communication barriers.

Main Point to Remember when hiring developers for startups:

  • Compatibility to company culture – Each startup has its own unique culture flavor and most of all startups tend to carry a unique agile work process model. Check out is the developer you are thinking to finalize fit in your startup culture seamlessly
  • Passion towards the company growth – while on papers, a part-time or freelance developer doesn’t have any liability beyond providing the website/mobile app, still it’s always better to go with people who share your passion and are ready to give in their input for company’s betterment.
  • Does he have the modern skills – web and mobile app development have changed a lot over the years. Today, it’s all about the website and mobile app UI design and interactive functionalities to engage users. See, if the developer you are looking to finalize know the current trends and possess skills to deliver

Where to find online developers?

website developer

Here are some top sites to look out for the best developers for startups:

  • Smashing Jobs
  • Toptal
  • WPMY DEV Pros
  • Codeable
  • Stack Overflow Careers

Here is a beginner guide for web developers


Your choice in choosing the web developers is crucial in making or breaking your startup business. Since you don’t have much budget, you need to partner with a business/freelance developer who is ready to deliver you the best services at affordable prices – which can be tricky at times. Making sure you make the right choice.

At Digital Gravity, we are an ethical web development company in the UAE, offering small and local businesses a unique window of opportunity to get their websites and mobile app designed by the best developers at affordable pricing.