Artificial Intelligence AI Usage Statistics 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become the must-have for every kind of innovation happening in the tech industry. No matter if it is about reshaping industries or altering the fabric of your daily lives – according to the AI usage statistics for 2024, no one is left behind. As the AI trends in 2024, stands as witness to all the innovations made by the uses of artificial intelligence.
So, in this comprehensive and well-researched piece of content by Digital Gravity, we will talk about all the AI stats, AI trends, and uses made in 2024. Aiming to provide you with the hawk’s eye view of AI in business owner perspective, the AI job market, educational, consumer usage, and many more.
Let’s go beyond the intro and explore the blog curated by an expert Artificial intelligence development company.
Most eye-opening AI Usage Statistics (Editor’s choice)
Artificial Intelligence, or AI usage, is not just something for the future; it’s already a part of our daily lives. You can find it in many of the devices and systems we use every day. Let’s step into the surprising artificial intelligence usage statistics and artificial intelligence facts about how common AI is and how it is expected to affect the economy. This will help you to understand how quickly the use of AI is increasing and how many people are starting to accept it.
➔ Out of 67,200 AI companies in the world, 25% are based in the United States.
➔ The top 10,000 AI startups listed on Crunchbase received $30 billion in funding last year.
➔ A Google search for “AI” shows 15.16 billion results. For comparison, “TikTok” has only 5.7 billion results.
➔ Google Scholar has 6.65 million articles with the phrase “artificial intelligence” in the title.
➔ In 2023, videos about generative AI tools had over 1.7 billion views on YouTube.
➔ NVIDIA, a company that makes AI servers, plans to produce 1.5 million units each year by 2027.
➔ The electricity needed for NVIDIA’s AI servers is about 85.4 terawatt-hours per year, which is similar to what the Netherlands uses.
➔ One AI training session can use as much electricity as 100 U.S. homes in a year.
➔ 63% of marketers believe that most content in 2024 will be created by generative AI.
➔ More than half of marketers (56%) say that content made by generative AI is better than content made by humans.
➔ Out of 135,000 people in the U.S. who mention “AI” in their social media bios, 66% are male.
➔ The number of women publishing their first AI research increased by 93% in the last ten years.
➔ Only 23% of the leading AI innovators are women out of a total of 133,082 people.
➔ 22% of the world’s female AI experts are in the U.S., followed by the UK and Germany.
➔ Taiwan has the highest percentage of women in AI at 36%, and Australia is next with 26%.
➔ 77% of devices in use today have some form of AI technology.
➔ 9 out of 10 organizations see AI as a way to gain a competitive edge.
➔ By 2030, AI is expected to add $15.7 trillion to the global economy.
➔ By 2025, AI may take away 85 million jobs, but it is also expected to create 97 million new jobs, leading to a net gain of 12 million jobs.
➔ 63% of organizations plan to start using AI within the next three years.
➔ The AI market is expected to grow by at least 120% every year.
➔ In 2024, the global AI market is projected to grow by 33% compared to the previous year.
➔ 88% of people who do not use AI do not know how generative AI will affect their lives.
➔ Only one out of three consumers think they use AI tools, while the actual usage is 77%.
The Current Size and Growth Predictions of the AI Industry
The AI industry is growing fast in 2024. Right now, it is worth almost $200 billion, and it is expected to become more than 55% bigger by the end of the year. Many companies are using deep learning, which is an important part of artificial intelligence. People believe that in the future, AI will work well with cloud computing and new technologies like Web3 and the Metaverse.
Some Estimates for The Global AI Market Value
➔ About $196.63 billion in early 2024.
➔ Around $305.9 billion by the end of 2024.
➔ Expected to reach $738.80 billion by 2030.
➔ From 2022 to 2030, the AI market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 32.9%.
➔ In 2023, the North American AI market is valued at about $30.9 billion.
➔ With help from AI technologies, Web3, and the Metaverse, the global cloud computing market is expected to reach $2297.37 billion by 2032, growing at a rate of 17% each year.
The Employees Most Willing to Use AI Technology
➔ Latin America (48%)
➔ AsiaPacific and Japan (46%)
➔ Europe, The Middle East, and Africa (38%)
➔ North America (36%)
➔ The Possible Impact of Generative AI
➔ High in sectors like e-learning, electronics, high-tech, ecommerce, and software (more than 50% of employees may be affected).
➔ Medium in banking and finance, retail, distribution, consumer products, healthcare, and life sciences (2030% of employees may be affected).
➔ Low in industries like manufacturing, energy, utilities, and legal services (less than 20% of employees may be affected).
AI Stats and Demographics – Let’s Have a Look
Understanding who knows about and uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) helps us see how popular it is in different parts of society. This section looks at who is familiar with and uses AI based on age, gender, and income.
Who Knows About AI Uses?
➔ Some groups are more aware of AI than others:
➔ 40% of Asians
➔ 38% of men
➔ 38% of people aged 30 to 49
➔ 53% of people with a postgraduate degree
➔ 52% of people in high-income jobs
➔ 34% of Democrats
AI Usage Statics for Different Age Groups
Among different ages, the most common AI technology used weekly is virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa:
➔ 30.8% of people aged 61 and older use this technology weekly.
➔ 14% of people aged 41 to 60 use virtual assistants weekly.
➔ 25.3% of people aged 26 to 40 use them weekly.
➔ 29.9% of people aged 18 to 25 use virtual assistants weekly.
➔ More than 80% of people aged 18 to 25 have never used a large language model (like ChatGPT).
➔ 68% of people who don’t use AI are from Generation X or Baby Boomers.
AI by Gender
➔ Men know a little more about AI than women (38% vs. 23%).
➔ A slightly higher percentage of men use spam filters daily compared to women (29.7% vs. 29.2%).
➔ More men than women use virtual assistants.
➔ Women use music playlists with algorithms a bit more often than men.
➔ Women use AI slightly more than men for technologies like virtual assistants and fitness trackers on a monthly basis.
➔ Women are less likely to have never driven an autonomous vehicle compared to men (85.6% vs. 84.7%).
➔ This artificial intelligence trend is similar for large language models (79.4% for women and 78.9% for men) and smart cleaning devices (67.9% for women and 67.5% for men).
AI Jobs and Market
The use of AI, or artificial intelligence trends, is changing how businesses work and also affecting jobs. In this section, we will look at how businesses use AI and what this means for jobs related to AI.
According to Forbes, here are some of the main way’s businesses use AI:
– Customer Service: 56% of businesses use it.
– Cybersecurity and Fraud Prevention: 51% use AI for this.
– Digital Personal Assistants: 47% of businesses have them.
– Customer Relationship Management: 46% use AI for keeping track of customers.
– Inventory Management: 40% of businesses use AI to manage their supplies.
➔ 52% of experts think that automation will take away some jobs, but it will also create new jobs.
➔ AI could help workers increase their productivity by 1.5% over the next ten years.
➔ Around the world, growth driven by AI could be almost 25% better than growth from automation without AI.
➔ The fields of software development, marketing, and customer service are the ones where automation and AI are being used and invested in the most.
➔ Using AI is expected to make workers 40% more productive.
60% of business owners believe AI will help their workers do better.
➔ 83% of businesses say that using AI in their plans is very important.
➔ 52% of working people worry that AI might take their jobs.
➔ The manufacturing industry is likely to get the most benefits from AI, with an expected increase of $3.8 trillion by 2035.
➔ 63% of companies in the IT and telecom industries use AI.
➔ 44% of car companies are using AI.
In 2023, the most wanted jobs in AI were:
– Data engineer – 1,898 job openings
– Data scientist – 1,692 job openings
– Data analyst – 1,206 job openings
– Machine learning engineer – 845 job openings
– Applied scientist – 269 job openings
– Research scientist – 232 job openings
– Analytics engineer – 232 job openings
AI and Education
The connection between AI (artificial intelligence) and education is very important for future growth and progress in society. This part talks about how AI usage is being done in schools. It looks at what teachers think, how ready schools are, and what it means for students. Some must-know AI usage statistics.
➔ Only 10% of teachers believe that teaching AI is one of the most important things for schools to focus on.
➔ About 33% of teachers feel that teaching AI in schools is very important.
➔ Just 13% of teachers think that teaching AI technologies to students is mostly unimportant or not important at all.
➔ A large number, 87% of teachers, said they have not had any training on AI as part of their professional development.
➔ More than half (54%) of parents think that AI might be helpful for their child’s education.
➔ However, 80% of parents are worried about the negative effects of AI in education.
➔ Their biggest doubts are about privacy (keeping personal information safe) and whether AI-generated information is correct and trustworthy.
➔ Only 35% of parents have talked to their kids about how they use AI.
In the U.S., adults with more education and higher incomes know more about AI in everyday life:
Education Level |
Percentage Aware of AI in Everyday Life |
Postgraduate |
53% |
College graduates |
46% |
College education |
28% |
High School Graduates |
14% |
Business Owners and AI
Business owners are leading the way in using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to make important choices for their companies’ futures. Let’s look at how ai in business is being used, along with the benefits and challenges they see from their leadership role.
➔ More than half of companies (over 50%) plan to use AI technology.
➔ 35% of companies around the world say they are already using AI in their work.
➔ 77% of companies are either using AI or looking into it.
➔ The main reason businesses are not using AI is because of cost, with 51% saying this is an issue.
➔ 43% of businesses worry about becoming too dependent on technology.
➔ 35% are concerned that they don’t have the skills needed to work with AI.
➔ Almost two-thirds of business owners believe that AI will help improve their relationships with customers.
➔ About 25% of business owners are worried that using AI might hurt their website traffic.
➔ Back in 2017, only 20% of companies used AI in their products and daily operations.
How AI Is Improving Employee Training
Many businesses believe that by 2027, almost half of workers will need new skills. Fortunately, there are many AI tools available that help companies train their employees quickly and effectively.
L&D (Learning and Development) professionals say that using video-making tools can save a whole week of work! This extra time can help your business run more smoothly, and it also means you can create training that is both easy to understand and tailored to individual needs without spending too much money.
Take a look at some statistics on AI usage using generative AI technologies. You will see how Learning and Development managers view these AI tools for training and how they believe AI can help boost productivity.
AI tools help save a lot of time when making training videos. They can save about 62% of the time, which is like getting back eight full days.
The main advantages that creators of AI video courses notice are:
➔ They spend 78.8% less time making videos.
➔ They save 44.1% on costs to produce these videos.
➔ Workers using AI video tools save about 34% of their time, which is around 45 hours each month.
➔ About 42% of Learning and Development (L&D) managers have switched from traditional video production to using AI.
L&D managers who make or use AI training videos have seen:
➔ 57% more people finish the courses.
➔ 60% shorter time for people to complete the courses.
➔ 68% higher scores for learning satisfaction.
Here are some other important uses of AI in helping employees learn and grow:
➔ ChatGPT can help individuals be more productive by up to 40% by saving time.
➔ Overall, employee productivity can increase by 30% when using AI tools.
➔ In IT departments, using automation can save about 1.9 hours each week for each worker.
The Widespread Use of AI In Marketing, Content Creation & SEO
Right now, 40% of companies are hiring AI experts to help their marketing teams use new technology better. The results are impressive—95% of those using AI are very likely to create successful marketing strategies.
Since AI usage has increased leads by up to 50%, it will continue to grow in areas like marketing, content creation, and SEO. Keep reading to learn more about how AI is impacting these fields with some important AI facts!
In 2024, Many Businesses Want to Use AI For:
= Creating content (55%)
= Getting SEO data (54%)
= Making images (53%)
= Producing videos (52%)
= Generating audio (22%)
Also, more than half of marketers (58%) want to spend more money on AI and tools like chatbots in 2024.
➔ 72% of marketers who use AI and tools make customer experiences more personal.
➔ 7 out of 10 marketers who use AI improve the customer experience overall.
➔ 60% of marketers see AI as a helper for their work.
➔ Only 16% of marketers think AI can take over most of their work.
Marketers Who Believe In Utilizing AI:
= For ideas and inspiration (45%)
= To create outlines (31%)
= To draft content (18%)
= To write content (6%)
➔ Marketers save 3 hours for each piece of content and 2.5 hours each day by using AI tools.
➔ 85% of marketers think that generative AI will change how content is made in 2024.
➔ 60% of marketers who use generative AI worry that it might hurt their brand’s reputation because of bias, copying, or not aligning with their values.
➔ 1 out of 3 businesses plan to use ChatGPT to create content for their websites.
➔ 46% of business owners use AI for communications within their companies.
➔ 68% of companies have seen an increase in how much money they make from content marketing since using AI.
➔ 65% of companies had better results in search engine rankings when using AI.
➔ 76% of businesses have had content created by AI rank at least once.
AI Regulation – Must Have to Know!
As AI becomes a bigger part of our everyday lives, more people are talking about the need for rules to manage it. This last part looks at what the public thinks about regulating AI, focusing on the need for safety, clear information, and ethical practices when creating and using AI.
➔ 85% of people believe there should be a national effort to make AI safe and secure.
➔ 81% feel that industries should spend more money to ensure AI is reliable.
➔ 85% want companies to be open about how they guarantee AI safety before selling AI products.
➔ Support for AI safety is strong among people from all political parties—Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.
➔ Younger people are more willing to use AI technology in their daily tasks compared to older people.
➔ There is strong agreement on the need for AI rules across all age groups.
➔ 64% of people think the main job of AI is to help and improve the lives of consumers, which is a 7-point drop since November 2022.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to the Use of AI in 2024, we can conclude that artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming many aspects of our lives. These include business operations, employment, learning, and even the way people purchase things. Based on the latest facts about the use of AI in 2024, it is possible to consider how to use AI in business in 2025. However, while using AI, it is necessary to do so fairly and in a trustworthy manner; to achieve this, many guidelines will be needed.
It’s crucial for business organizations, consumers, and policymakers to collaborate as they embrace this new era chaperoned by AI. AI is a relatively recent phenomenon in the evolution of organizations, working arrangements, and society, and hence, the actual benefits will be possible only if work and its associated coordination and cooperation are organized in constructive collaboration.
Digital Gravity – Your AI Development Partner
Digital Gravity is an innovative AI development company that encourages the incorporation of AI in business. We have a team of professionals who are very familiar with all the ins and outs of artificial intelligence to assist businesses in succeeding. So, just in case you need AI development services, do not forget to consult with us.
– What are the statistics for AI in 2025?
AI statistics for AI in 2025 are increasing enormously, its worth has already touched $200 billion, and it is expected to increase up to 55%.
– What is the 2025 update for artificial intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence will impact 2025 from every possible industry where laymen are involved.
– How fast is AI advancing in 2025?
AI is advancing unbelievably, and it believes that by 2025, machines will be able to think and reason like humans.
– What is the AI adoption index for 2025?
According to statistics and facts, the AI market is expected to grow by 38% by 2025.