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What Is The Anatomy of the Landing Page and Why We Should Use It

Team DG
Written By
Team DG
April 11, 2022
10 minutes read

Around 200-300 clicks are gained by landing pages per keyword. The landing pages offer at least a 4% higher converting rate to the business. It is the best option for increasing the conversion rates of the marketing campaigns and lowering the lead and sale cost. 

High converting landing pages are specifically created for advertising and marketing campaigns for conversions. Since not all the page destinations are made equal, landing pages are different from the web pages. Landing pages carry a single purpose and that is a call to action. Landing pages are where conversions such as purchase, signup, or registration take place but with no website navigation. 

Difference Between Landing Pages and Web Pages 

Web pages serve many goals and specifically encourage exploration of the multiple services and products offered by the company itself. This is where the audience expects to explore the company’s history, values, and services. Web pages have multiple links and sub-pages, it can be extensive and regarded as the portfolio of the brand. Webpages are rarely a part of the paid campaigns and are usually run on visibility by organic search. 

Landing Page Design

Webpages offer a lot but don’t guarantee a purchase.  

On the other hand, the landing pages are a prominent part of advertising and marketing campaigns and are solely based on one link. Landing pages have only one purpose and that is to bring sales. The visitors are directed towards a landing page after they click on an advertised or marketed link in an email, or by clicking the ads on google, binge, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or similar platforms. 

Web pages are for branding whereas the landing pages are made with the focus of CTA (call to action) 

Related Article: A Step-by-Step Look at the Web Design Process in 2022

The Anatomy of a Landing Page

The anatomy of a landing page is concerned with elements you need to include in the landing page. In other words, the anatomy of the landing page is the answer to “what do I need to include in my landing page?”

The purpose of understanding the anatomy of the landing page is to follow the rules and comprehend the functions of the landing page. As you stick to the rules, the leads are almost guaranteed with the further benefit of optimizing the page as you like. 

Landing pages are never different as every expert optimizes them differently. However, the very high converting landing page design has five core elements as mentioned below: 

  • Unique Selling Point: 

The unique selling point is usually referred to as USP and is the prominent characteristic that makes your offer/ product unique in the market. However, the term unique shouldn’t be taken literally as in USP you are more focused on how you position your offer as different and better even when the same product is being offered by ten more competitions. 

The USP for the landing page includes the main headlines, the supporting headlines, the optional reinforcement statement, and the closing statement. 

  • The Hero Image: 

The first visual (image or video) on your landing page is known as the hero image aligned for the first impression on the user displaying the context of the use of the service or the product. 

The hero image can be an illustration, a video, or a banner with an undeniable offer. 

  • Advantages:

Other than the basic necessity every product and service is sold on the foundation of benefits or improvement it could bring to the potential customer’s lifestyle. Following up with the headlines are the features (specific quality) of the product and the positive impact (benefits) of the product.

  • Social Proofs: 

Social proofs are the evidence provided by the business that influences the decision-making of the visitor. Social proof includes customer quotes, case studies, testimonials, customer company logos, and extracted reviews from high-ranking sites such as yelp, amazon, and capterra. 

  • CTA 

Call to action (CTA) is the main component of the landing page. CTA can be clicked through page standalone buttons, even a form for the lead generation. a CTA shouldn’t be cliche, but it should be short, concise, and something that represents credibility. 

Why Should be Take into Consideration the Anatomy of Landing Page 

A landing page is composed of core elements and the building blocks that work as guidance as you move forward to creating content. The structure of the best landing pages work as the persuasion tactics with elements to support the strategy. The anatomy of the landing page is the dominating factor.

You can target different types of customers with segmented promotional offers through different landing pages. Landing pages are effective advertising campaigns as compared to text-based ads or PPC

Landing pages are ideal for merchants and e-commerce marketers who have more than one unique selling point even if they are focusing on a single product. Landing pages help you benefit from the different headline, hero, copy and call to action

Through multiple platforms, you can source diverse traffic easily. You can focus on the anatomy of the landing page based on the linked advertising campaign. Hiring the best Landing page design service is cost-effective and you can yield better results from the landing page in the long term.