Case Study
Investment in Sharjah (ISS)
Investment in Sharjah is promotional in orientation and its primary task is to attract investors after depicting the overall potential of Sharjah in all fields namely Industrial, Tourism, etc. The ISS team laid its emphasis on getting a refined and eye-catching format to ensure that Sharjah’s diverse economic prospects grab the attention of investors within its region and around the world. They contacted Digital Gravity to provide an interesting and informative presentation that would be able to convey the benefits of investing in Sharjah as a rapidly progressing region.

The ISS has been initiated mostly aiming at raising the profile of Sharjah as an investment city. It was done to make the opportunities of the emirate more attractive pointing out to potential investors the sectors that had potential for high growth and that have the support of the government behind them.
- Industry Investment Promotion
- Technologies Presentation Design
- Launched 2024
- Country UAE
About the client
Introducing the Investment Amenities of Sharjah
Promoting investment in Sharjah has remained central to drawing focus toward the potential of the emirate in the various domains of operation such as manufacturing, tourism, logistics & healthcare facilities. Its goal was to show each unique selling points that make Sharjah attractive to investors by indeed giving a bird’s eye view of the emirate’s diversified economy and favorable geographic location.
Investment in Sharjah (ISS) contacted Digital Gravity to design an elegant and aesthetically professional logo that would have to be provided for settings like investment meetings or reporting meetings. The ISS team required a versatile platform where the emirate’s potential investment in various fields is evident to potential investors hence the need to capture the strengths of the emirate’s economy in one package.

Our Challenges
Data simplification
For a long time, Investment in Sharjah contested the problem of how to transfer opinions, conclusions, and calculations based on economic data into a clear and concise format that would be easily understood by the investor.
Visually engaging format
Selecting the appropriate approach to creating an eye-catching presentation that would grab investors’ attention but, at the same time, reflect all the features of Sharjah, if necessary.
Diverse Sector representation
Investment in Sharjah needed to make sure that the attractiveness of each sector of investment was explained properly, starting from logistics and industry, and ending up with tourism.
Adapting to Multilingual Requirements
With an international audience, Investment in Sharjah materials had to cater to multiple languages. This posed a challenge to ensure translations maintained brand tone and were visually integrated without disrupting design flow.
The Results
Just collecting all the material for Investment in Sharjah (ISS) was challenging enough, but organizing it neatly and tempting to look at was a real feat. We focused on a clean and clear textual content size and a modern set of bright colors.
The final design surpassed all expectations providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere and appropriately reflecting the company’s honest approach. Colors made the photos look better while text that was placed well ensured that the people were able to understand the message.